Welcome to the internet, where every website seems to be on a mission to make you slide, slide, and slide some more. Yes, we're talking about those ubiquitous track bars, slider bars, or whatever you want to call them. Almost over night they've infiltrated nearly every corner of the digital realm, and frankly, it's time to say "enough is enough"!
Now, don't get me wrong. Slider bars have their time and place. They can be handy for adjusting volume, selecting a price range, or zooming in on a map. But somewhere along the way, web designers collectively decided that every piece of content deserved its own slider bar. And thus, the Great Slider Bar Epidemic of the Internet Age was born. I was on a website this morning and there were literally six slider bars next to eachother. You couldn't read more than two sentences without sliding.
Picture this: You're innocently scrolling through a website, minding your own business, when suddenly, you encounter not one, not two, but three slider bars stacked on top of each other like some kind of digital Jenga tower. One for image size, another for font style, and a third for... who knows what? It's a slider bar overload and it's making the internet a harder place to navigate. Why? Why now? We've all been happy to scroll for all this time, why suddenly make use segment every portion of a website? I have a theory that it might help A.I. index sites, so I asked ChatGpt and well, yes slider bars
A.I. Is ruining the look and feel of websites
ISo here we have it, A.I. is admitting that sliders make their job easier, and all of a sudden slider bars are everywhere making human interation more difficult. Well, I guess the robaots have won. I'm sure this is why track bars are invading the web but it could also be copy-cat designers following the latest trend. It's like web designers got a little too excited about A.I. and their power to slide things around and went completely overboard. "Oh, you want to read this article? Sure, just adjust the slider bar to find your preferred font size, line spacing, and background color first!" Because apparently, reading should be an interactive experience akin to solving a Rubik's Cube.
And let's not forget the infuriatingly tiny slider handles that require the precision of a brain surgeon just to grab onto. You hover your cursor over them, hoping for a gentle click-and-drag action, but instead, you accidentally resize the entire browser window and send your sanity plummeting into the abyss.
But fear not, dear internet denizens, for there is hope on the horizon. It's time for a revolution—a slider bar uprising, if you will. Let's reclaim our digital landscape from the tyranny of excessive sliders and embrace simplicity once again.
To my fellow web designers, I implore you: resist the urge to slap a slider bar on every element of your design. Remember the golden rule of user experience: less is often more. Instead of bombarding users with a barrage of sliders, focus on intuitive design and clear navigation. Your visitors will thank you, I promise.
And to the powers that be at internet headquarters, please heed our plea: let's dial back the slider madness and restore balance to the digital universe. After all, there's only so much sliding a person can take before they start to feel like they're trapped in a never-ending game of Whac-A-Mole.
So, the next time you encounter yet another slider bar on a website, take a deep breath, summon your inner zen master, and remember: this too shall pass. And who knows, maybe one day we'll look back on the Great Slider Bar Epidemic with a mix of amusement and bewilderment. But for now, let's just keep calm and slide on—preferably with moderation.